Labiaplasty Procedure in Huntington Beach, CA

Enjoy sexual intercourse & achieve pure, naked confidence

For reasons that we understand, and some we don’t, certain women experience enlarged, uneven, and uncomfortable labia. The condition—known as labia minora hypertrophy—can damage our confidence, our pleasure, and our quality of daily life. Aging, hormonal changes, childbirth, and even frequent biking have been blamed for enlarged, uncomfortable labia. But whatever the cause, there’s a solution at Venus MD—a labiaplasty procedure.

At Venus MD in Huntington Beach, CA, we can restore your confidence, appearance, and comfort with precise methods and utmost care. Whether you’re self-conscious about the appearance of your body or hoping to increase your pleasure by reducing labial tugging or catching during sex, we can help!

Benefits of Labiaplasty

Your intimate areas aren’t for everyone. They’re for you and whoever you choose. Even so, when the mood strikes and the clothes come off, an enlarged labia not only stands a chance of diminishing our confidence but our enjoyment as well. Fittingly, the labiaplasty procedure offers several key advantages, among them:

  • Improved daily comfort
  • Fewer UTIs
  • Improved vaginal aesthetics
  • Improved hygiene
  • Increased confidence

How Labiaplasty Works

Before the labiaplasty procedure, we’ll speak to you about your ideal outcomes and determine how much of the labia to shorten. Afterward, we’ll use surgical incision to reshape the labia to your desires, improving appearance, function, comfort, and confidence. Labiaplasty procedures are performed under local, tumescent anesthesia for the greatest possible comfort, and the procedure generally requires less than a couple of hours to complete.