Stem Cell Therapy in Huntington Beach, CA

Harness latent stem cells in your own body to regenerate whatever you need

By now, just about everyone is familiar with stem cells—individual cellular units that haven’t quite decided what to be when they grow up. What you may not know, however, is that you have stem cells inside you right now. Stem cells remain in certain fatty tissue throughout your body. When extracted and repurposed wherever you need a boost, these stem cells take on the properties of surrounding cells to literally regenerate skin & tissue.

At Venus MD, we know how to harness the power of your own stem cells to rejuvenate the face naturally, naturally lift the neck, naturally lift the breasts, and add strength and youth back to your hands, scalp, or just about anywhere else. To find out what stem cells can do for you, schedule your apointment today.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy!

Stem cells are shapeshifters that can go nearly anywhere to rejuvenate nearly anything and encourage healing. The benefits of stem cell therapy depend on the application and desired outcome, but some uses of stem cell therapy include:

  • Non-Surgical Breast Lift
  • Non-Surgical Facelift
  • Non-Surgical Necklift
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Anti-Aging Treatments

How Stem Cell Therapy Works?

Your stem cell therapy begins with the extraction of stem cells from a donor site. Extraction is usually accomplished through a minor liposuction procedure. Once located and removed, the cells are treated and reapplied elsewhere. Once the stem cells have been relocated, they’ll transform into a new version of the surrounding tissue, encouraging other nearby cells to follow their lead. This contributes to a tightening, lifting, and rejuvenating effect across the treatment area for 18 months or more.